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1. beating的意思是“打击,殴打”,也可以表示“敲打,搅拌”。


2. 记忆:beating这个词的记忆可以通过与其同音的单词“beet”(甜菜)来联想。想象在甜菜上进行重复的打击,就能记住beating的含义。

3. 用法:作为名词时,beating通常指被打击或被殴打的行为。:“The prisoner received a severe beating from the guards.”(那名囚犯受到了卫的严厉殴打。)作为动词时,beating则指进行打击或敲打的行为。:“She was beating the eggs to make a cake.”(她正在搅拌鸡蛋做蛋糕。)

4. 托福例句:

a) The boxer was disqualified for excessive beating of his opponent.


b) The sound of the drums beating in the distance could be heard throughout the village.



beating读作 /ˈbiːtɪŋ/。


1. beating可以作为名词或动词使用。

2. 作为名词时,常用于指被打击或被殴打的行为。

3. 作为动词时,常用于指进行打击或敲打的行为。


1. The children were caught beating the piñata at the birthday party.


2. The teacher caught the students cheating on the exam and gave them a stern beating.


3. The drummer's hands were sore after a night of constant beating on his drums.


4. She was beating the rug outside to get rid of all the dust.


5. The rain was beating against the windows, making it hard to sleep.



1. Thrashing:名词,指严厉的殴打或教训。

例句:“The thief received a thrashing from the angry mob.”(那个小偷受到了愤怒群众的殴打。)

2. Pounding:名词,指重复的打击或敲打。

例句:“The pounding of the waves against the shore was soothing.”(海浪拍击岸边的声音让人感到舒缓。)

3. Whipping:名词,指用鞭子进行的殴打。

例句:“The slave was punished with a whipping for trying to escape.”(那个奴隶因试图逃跑而受到鞭打惩罚。)

4. Thrashing:动词,指严厉地殴打或教训。

例句:“The coach thrashed his team for their poor performance.”(教练因球队表现不佳而对他们进行了严厉的批评。)

5. Pounding:动词,指重复地敲打或捶击。

例句:“She pounded on the door, hoping someone would hear her.”(她砰砰地敲着门,希望有人能听到她。)


beating是一个常用的英语单词,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,常用于指被打击或被殴打的行为;作为动词时,则常用于指进行打击或敲打的行为。通过与甜菜同音来记忆这个单词可以帮助我们更容易记住它的含义。除了基本含义外,beating还可以与其他单词组合使用,如beating heart(跳动的心脏)、beating the odds(战胜困难)等。熟练掌握beating的用法和同义词可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思,提高英语表达能力。


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