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1. 翻译:batter是指“打击,猛击,撞击”,也可以指“面糊”。作为动词时,表示“连续地打击或撞击”,作为名词时,表示“面糊”。

2. 记忆:batter这个单词可以和“bat”(棒球棒)联想起来,因为打击和棒球有关联。另外,面糊也可以和butter(黄油)联想起来,因为在做甜点时常常会用到黄油。


3. 用法:作为动词时,batter常常和介词“on”连用,:“He kept battering on the door until someone answered.”(他不断地敲门直到有人回答。)作为名词时,则可用于描述食物的状态或者指代某种食物。

4. 托福例句:

a) The strong wind battered the trees, causing them to sway back and forth.(强风冲击着树木,使它们来回摇晃。)

b) The protestors were battering the doors of the government building, demanding to be heard.(者们冲击着大楼的大门,要求被倾听。)

c) The chef prepared the batter for the cake by mixing flour, eggs, and milk.(厨师通过混合面粉、鸡蛋和牛奶来制作蛋糕的面糊。)

5. 雅:batter这个单词在雅的用法中,可以用于描述激烈的冲击或者连续的打击,也可以用于指代某种食物的状态。




1. 作为动词:

a) 常和介词“on”连用,表示连续地打击或撞击。

b) 可以指代某种动作或行为,:“He kept battering on the door until someone answered.”(他不断地敲门直到有人回答。)

c) 也可以用于描述某种状态,:“The waves battered against the rocks.”(海浪冲击着岩石。)

2. 作为名词:

a) 可以指代某种食物的状态,:“The batter should be smooth and lump-free.”(面糊应该是光滑且没有颗粒。)

b) 也可以指代某种食物,:“I'll have a fish and chips with extra batter.”(我要一份加了额外面糊的炸鱼薯条。)


1. The battering ram repeatedly hit the door, but it wouldn't budge.(连续的撞击门,但门仍然没有移动。)

2. The boxer's opponent was no match for his powerful battering fists.(这位拳击手的对手无法抵挡他强大的打击拳。)

3. The rain battered against the windows, making it difficult to see outside.(雨水冲击着窗户,使得外面很难看清楚。)

4. The chef mixed the ingredients together to create a smooth batter for the pancakes.(厨师将原料混合在一起,制作出光滑的薄煎饼面糊。)

5. The old house had been battered by years of neglect and harsh weather conditions.(这座老房子被多年的忽视和恶劣的天气条件所摧残。)


1. Pound:作为动词时,可以指“连续地重击或敲打”,作为名词时,可以指“英镑”。

例句:The heavy rain pounded against the roof all night long, keeping us awake.(大雨整晚都在敲打着屋顶,让我们无法入睡。)

2. Beat:作为动词时,可以指“连续地敲打或击败”,作为名词时,可以指“节拍”。

例句:The drummer beat his drumsticks against the drums, creating a rhythm.(鼓手用鼓槌敲打着鼓,创造出一种节奏。)

3. Strike:作为动词时,可以指“猛击或”,作为名词时,可以指“”。

例句:The workers went on strike to protest against their low wages.(工人们举行来低工资。)




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