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用法:applause通常用作名词,在句子中作主语或宾语。:“The audience gave a round of applause to the performers.”(观众们给表演者们一阵掌声。)它也可以用作动词,在句子中作谓语。:“The crowd applauded loudly when the singer finished her performance.”(当歌手完成表演时,人群大声鼓掌。)


1. The speaker received a standing ovation from the audience, who were moved by his powerful speech and gave him a round of applause.(演讲者收到了观众的起立鼓掌,他们被他强有力的演讲所感动,并给予了他一阵掌声。)

2. The students burst into applause when their teacher announced that they had all passed the exam with flying colors.(当老师宣布所有学生都以优异的成绩通过了考试时,学生们爆发出了掌声。)

3. The audience's applause was deafening as the famous band took the stage and started their performance.(当著名乐队登台并开始表演时,观众的掌声震耳欲聋。)

4. The film received a lot of critical acclaim and won several awards, which was reflected in the audience's thunderous applause during its premiere.(这部电影受到很多评论家的赞誉并赢得了几个奖项,在首映式上,观众们的雷鸣般的掌声就反映出来。)

5. The speaker paused for a moment to let the audience's applause die down before continuing with her speech.(演讲者停顿了一会儿,等待观众的掌声平息后才继续她的演讲。)




1. 作名词时,applause可以表示鼓掌或喝彩的行为,也可以指鼓掌或喝彩的声音。

2. 作动词时,applause表示鼓掌或喝彩。


1. The speaker received a standing ovation from the audience, who were moved by his powerful speech and gave him a round of applause.


2. The students burst into applause when their teacher announced that they had all passed the exam with flying colors.


3. The audience's applause was deafening as the famous band took the stage and started their performance.


4. The film received a lot of critical acclaim and won several awards, which was reflected in the audience's thunderous applause during its premiere.


5. The speaker paused for a moment to let the audience's applause die down before continuing with her speech.



1. clapping:作为applause的同义词,clapping也可以表示鼓掌的行为或声音。:“The students gave a round of clapping to their teacher after she announced the good news.”(当老师宣布好消息后,学生们给予了老师一阵掌声。)

2. ovation:作为applause的同义词,ovation通常指热烈的鼓掌和欢呼。:“The speaker received a standing ovation from the audience for her inspiring speech.”(演讲者因其激励人心的演讲收到了观众起立欢呼。)

3. acclaim:作为applause的同义词,acclaim可以指赞扬和赞誉。:“The singer's performance was met with great acclaim from the audience.”(歌手的表演受到了观众的大力赞扬。)




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