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1. 作为副词,alongside表示两个或多个物体或人在同一水平线上或相邻的位置。:


- The two ships sailed alongside each other. (两艘船并排航行。)

- The new building is located alongside the old one. (新建筑位于旧建筑的旁边。)

2. 作为介词,alongside后面通常接名词或动名词,表示在某物或某人旁边,与某物或某人一起。:

- The dog sat alongside its owner. (狗坐在主人旁边。)

- He worked alongside his father in the family business. (他和父亲一起在家族企业工作。)

3. alongside也可以用来表示时间上的同时发生。:

- Alongside the economic crisis, there was also a political crisis. (经济危机同时伴随着危机。)

4. 除了以上用法外,alongside还可以表示比较、对比、并列等含义。:

- Alongside his brother, he seems much taller. (和他兄弟相比,他显得更高大。)

- She worked hard alongside her colleagues. (她和同事们一起努力工作。)


1. The new supermarket was built alongside the old market.


2. The two friends walked alongside each other, chatting and laughing.


3. Alongside his studies, he also worked part-time to support himself.


4. She stood alongside the famous actress, feeling both excited and nervous.


5. The company is facing financial difficulties alongside fierce competition in the market.



1. beside:与alongside意思相近,都表示在某物或某人的旁边。但beside更强调靠近、接近的含义。

:He sat beside his mother at the dinner table. (他坐在餐桌旁边和母亲一起吃饭。)

2. next to:与alongside意思相同,都表示在某物或某人的旁边。但next to更常用于描述位置关系。

:The new office building is next to the park. (新办公楼就在公园旁边。)

3. alongside with:与alongside意思相同,都表示与某物或某人一起。但alongside with通常用于强调并列、同时的含义。

:Alongside with his brothers, he inherited the family business. (和他的兄弟们一起,他继承了家族企业。)


alongside是一个常用的英语单词,可以作为副词或介词使用,意思是“在旁边”,“在一起”,“并排”。它可以用来描述位置关系、时间关系、比较对比等含义。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有其他类似含义的单词如beside、next to和alongside with。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的单词。


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