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all the way是一个常用的短语,表示“一直到底”,“完全地”,“从头到尾”。它可以用作副词短语,也可以用作形容词短语。在口语和书面语中都非常常见。


all the way的音标为 /ɔːl ðə weɪ/。


1. 作为副词短语,表示“完全地”,“彻底地”:


- She supported me all the way, even when everyone else gave up.(她一直支持我,即使其他人都放弃了。)

- We are with you all the way, no matter what happens.(无论发生什么事情,我们都会一直支持你。)

2. 作为形容词短语,表示“从头到尾的”:

- I watched the movie all the way through without getting bored.(我把电影从头看到尾,没有感到无聊。)

- The marathon runners had to run all the way to the finish line.(马拉松选手们必须一路跑到终点线。)


1. We walked all the way to the of the mountain and were rewarded with a breathtaking view.(我们一路走到山顶,得到了令人惊叹的景色奖励。)

2. He drove all the way from New York to California without sping once.(他一路从纽约开车到加州,一次也没有停下来。)

3. The team worked all the way through the night to finish the project on time.(团队一直工作到深夜,以按时完成项目。)

4. She has been singing all the way home, much to the annoyance of her brother.(她一路上都在唱歌,让她弟弟很烦恼。)

5. We will support you all the way, no matter what decision you make.(无论你做出什么决定,我们都会支持你到底。)


1. All along:从一开始就是这样,表示某件事情从一开始就是如此。

- I knew all along that she was lying to us.(我一直知道她在对我们撒谎。)

2. All the time:始终如一地,表示某件事情始终如此。

- She has been working hard all the time and finally achieved her goal.(她始终都在努力工作,最终实现了自己的目标。)

3. All day long:整天,表示某件事情持续了整天。

- He has been playing video games all day long and hasn't done any homework yet.(他整天都在玩电子游戏,还没有做任何作业。)

4. All night:整夜,表示某件事情持续了整夜。

- We danced all night at the party and had a great time.(我们在派对上整夜跳舞,玩得很开心。)

5. All the way down:一路向下,表示某件事情从高处一直向下。

- The water flowed all the way down the mountain and formed a beautiful waterfall.(水从山上一路流下,形成了一个美丽的瀑布。)


all the way是一个非常常用的短语,在口语和书面语中都可以使用。它可以作为副词短语表示“完全地”,“彻底地”,也可以作为形容词短语表示“从头到尾的”。除了表示程度和范围外,它还可以用来表达持续性和连续性。在使用时要注意上下文,避免与其他含义相近的短语混淆。


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