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二:怎么读(音标):[er-kuh n-dish-uh nd]



1. The office building is fully airconditioned, providing a comfortable working environment for its employees. (这座办公楼配备了完整的空调设备,为员工提供舒适的工作环境。)

2. We decided to eat at the airconditioned restaurant instead of the outdoor one due to the hot weather. (由于天气炎热,我们决定在配备了空调的餐厅用餐,而不是户外用餐。)

3. The hotel room was airconditioned, but the temperature was still too high for us to sleep comfortably. (酒店房间里有空调,但温度仍然太高,我们无法舒服地入睡。)

4. The new car model comes with an advanced airconditioning system that allows you to adjust the temperature and humidity inside the car. (这款新车型配备了先进的空调,可以让你调节车内的温度和湿度。)

5. The airconditioned train provided a welcome relief from the scorching heat outside. (配备了空调的火车为我们提供了一个室内避暑的好去处,远离外面炙热的天气。)


1. The conference room is fully air-conditioned, providing a comfortable environment for meetings. (室配备了完整的空调设备,为开会提供舒适的环境。)

2. The AC in our office is not working properly, making it difficult to work in such hot weather. (我们办公室的空调不正常,这样炎热的天气里很难工作。)

3. The cooled train carriage was a welcome respite from the sweltering heat outside. (配有冷气设备的火车车厢是一个远离外面酷热天气的欢迎休息地。)

4. The climate-controlled building maintains a constant temperature and humidity throughout the year, providing a comfortable living environment for its residents. (这座配有气候的建筑物全年保持恒定的温度和湿度,为居民提供舒适的生活环境。)



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