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affix [əˈfɪks]


1. 作为名词时,affix通常指附加物,可以用来表示某物与其他物体连接或固定在一起。

- The affix on the envelope has come loose.


- The plumber used an affix to connect the pipes.


2. 在语言学中,affix通常指代词缀,即添加在单词前后以改变其意义或语法功能的字母或音节。

- The prefix "un-" is an affix that can change the meaning of a word.


- In English, suffixes are often used to form plurals and verb tenses.


3. 作为动词时,affix指附加、贴上或固定某物。

- He carefully affixed the stamp to the envelope.


- The sign was affixed to the wall with tape.



1. The teacher asked the students to identify the prefix and suffix in each word. (老师让学生们找出每个单词中的前缀和后缀。)

2. The company logo was affixed to the product packaging. (公司的标志被贴在产品包装上。)

3. The new law will affix stricter penalties for littering. (新法律将对乱扔垃圾加强处罚。)

4. In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify, but there are some exceptions where they are affixed before the noun. (在西班牙语中,形容词通常位于它们修饰的名词之后,但也有一些例外情况,形容词会附加在名词前面。)

5. Please make sure to affix your signature at the bottom of the contract. (请务必在合同底部签上您的名字。)


1. Attach: 作为动词,attach也可以表示附加、贴上或固定某物,与affix的用法相似。

- The document must be attached to the email before sending it.


- The label is attached to the back of the book.


2. Add: 作为动词,add也可以表示添加、附加或增加某物,但它更常用于描述数量或程度的增加。

- Please add some salt to the soup.


- The company will add more staff to meet the increasing demand.


3. Fix: 作为动词,fix可以表示修复、安装或固定某物,与affix的用法有些类似。

- I need to fix my bike before I can ride it again.


- The shelves are fixed to the wall with screws.





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