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accomplishments [əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənts] n. 成就;功绩;才艺





[əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənts] 读音为英文中的重音符号(')表示重读音节,发音时重读第一个音节a,并且把第二个o和第三个i连读发音。



1. have accomplishments:具有成就/才能

例句:She has many accomplishments in the field of music. (她在音乐领域有很多成就。)

2. personal accomplishments:个人成就

例句:His personal accomplishments have won him great respect. (他的个人成就赢得了他极大的尊重。)

3. professional accomplishments:职业成就

例句:Her professional accomplishments have made her a well-known figure in the industry. (她的职业成就使她成为行业内知名人物。)

4. list of accomplishments:成就清单/列表

例句:He presented a long list of his accomplishments during the interview. (在面试中,他列举了自己的许多成就。)

5. academic accomplishments:学业成就

例句:Her academic accomplishments were recognized by the university and she received a scholarship. (她的学业成绩得到了大学的认可,并获得了奖学金。)


1. Her numerous accomplishments in the field of science have earned her international recognition.


2. The company's latest product is a great accomplishment for its research and development team.


3. The young athlete's impressive accomplishments at such a young age have amazed everyone.


4. The school is proud of its students' academic accomplishments and encourages them to continue striving for excellence.


5. The team's accomplishments in the past year have brought great benefits to the company.



1. achievements:指通过努力或才能而取得的成功,常用来描述具体的成就。

例句:Her achievements in the field of medicine have saved many lives. (她在医学领域的成就挽救了许多生命。)

2. success:指达到预期目标或获得某种成就,常用来形容在某项任务中取得的好结果。

例句:The company's success is attributed to its innovative products and efficient management. (公司的成功归功于其创新产品和高效管理。)

3. feats:指英勇或非凡的行为或成就,常用来描述超越常人能力的壮举。

例句:His feats on the battlefield made him a hero among his comrades. (他在战场上的英勇行为使他成为战友中的。)

4. skills:指某人掌握并运用于实践中的技艺或技能,强调个人能力。

例句:She has excellent language skills and can speak three languages fluently. (她有出色的语言技能,可以流利地说三种语言。)




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