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官僚用英语怎么说?官僚用英语怎么说:A Comprehensive Guide

官僚用英语:A Comprehensive Guide

Bureaucracy is a system of government characterized by a centralized power structure and a division of labor. As an essential part of the government, bureaucrats are the backbone of any society. Therefore, it is essential to know how to communicate effectively with bureaucrats, especially when dealing with them in English. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to bureaucratic English, including its various forms, meanings, and usage.

Meanings of Bureaucratic English

Bureaucratic English is a type of English that is used specifically for official and formal communication. It is characterized by the use of formal vocabulary, such as "It is my duty to" and "It is with great regret that," as well as the use of certain grammar structures, such as the third conditional and the passive voice. Bureaucratic English is also used to show respect for authority and to maintain a sense of formality.

Vocabulary of Bureaucratic English
One of the most important aspects of bureaucratic English is its vocabulary. Bureaucrates use a wide range of vocabulary to convey their message and to add emphasis to their statements. Here are some of the most common terms used in bureaucratic English:

* "It is my duty to" - This phrase is used to convey a sense of obligation and responsibility.

* "It is with great regret that" - This phrase is used to convey regret and apologize.

* "I certify that" - This phrase is used to convey confidence and certainty.

* "In accordance with" - This phrase is used to convey that something is in accordance with a particular rule or policy.

* "I regret to inform you" - This phrase is used to convey regret and apologize.

* "As per" - This phrase is used to convey that something is in accordance with a particular rule or policy.

* "In light of" - This phrase is used to convey that something is in light of a particular situation.

* "I am confident that" - This phrase is used to convey confidence and certainty.

Meanings of Bureaucratic English

Meanings of Bureaucratic English are often conveyed through the use of formal language and the passive voice. Bureaucrates use formal language to convey their message and to add emphasis to their statements. The passive voice is also commonly used in bureaucratic English, as it conveys a sense of detachment and objectivity.

For example, the following sentence is an example of bureaucratic English:
"I certify that the information provided in this document is accurate and complete."

In this sentence, the phrase "I certify that" is used to convey confidence and certainty. The phrase "the information provided in this document is accurate and complete" is written in the passive voice, which conveys a sense of detachment and objectivity.

Bureaucratic English also uses certain grammar structures to convey its meaning. For example, the following sentence is another example of bureaucratic English:
"In accordance with Section 5 of the Constitution, the President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces."

In this sentence, the phrase "In accordance with Section 5 of the Constitution" is used to convey that something is in accordance with a particular rule or policy. The phrase "the President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces" is written in the passive voice, which conveys a sense of detachment and objectivity.

Usage of Bureaucratic English
Bureaucratic English is used in various aspects of life, including official and formal communication. Here are some tips on how to use bureaucratic English effectively:

1. Use formal language - Bureaucratic English is characterized by the use of formal vocabulary, such as "It is my duty to" and "It is with great regret that," as well as the use of certain grammar structures, such as the third conditional and the passive voice.

2. Be concise - Bureaucrates use brief language to convey their message. Therefore, it is important to be concise when writing in bureaucratic English.

3. Show respect for authority - Bureaucrats are representatives of the government, and they are expected to show respect for authority. Therefore, it is important to address them in a formal manner.

4. Use passive voice - The passive voice is commonly used in bureaucratic English, as it conveys a sense of detachment and objectivity.

5. Be formal - Bureaucratic English is used to convey a sense of formality and objectivity. Therefore, it is important to be formal when writing in bureaucratic English.


In conclusion, bureaucratic English is a type of English that is used specifically for official and formal communication. It is characterized by the use of formal vocabulary, the passive voice, and certain grammar structures, such as the third conditional and the passive voice. Bureaucratic English is also used to show respect for authority and to maintain a sense of formality. To effectively communicate with bureaucrats, it is important to use formal language, be concise, show respect for authority, use the passive voice, and be formal. With this comprehensive guide, you will be able to communicate effectively with bureaucrats in English.


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