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- My companion and I are waiting for the bus to arrive.


- I like to have a companion while I'm hiking.


- She has a good companion for her job.

- Here are some synonyms for "companion":
- Sidekick
- Companion
- Friend
- Associate
- Pal
- Chum
- Knee-to-the-ground
- Sidecar
- Wheelman

- My sidekick and I are riding motorcycles across the country.


- My friend and I have been together for five years.


- My associate and I work closely together.


- My chum and I are going to the gym.


- My knee-to-the-ground strategy is working well for me.


- My wheelman and I are taking a break in the middle of the race.

- Here are some phrases for "companion":
- Side by side
- Together
- Next to each other
- Hand in hand
- Arm in arm
- Close by
- Day by day
- Night and day
- Full time
- Part-time
- Full-time job
- Part-time job
- Day job
- Freelance work

- My partner and I are working on the same project.


- My friend and I are having a picnic in the park.


- My sister and I are going to the movies.


- My colleague and I are working on a new product.


- My partner and I are taking a break.


- My friend and I are walking in the park.


- My family and I are going on a vacation.



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