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snakes 是一个英文单词,它有几个意思,包括:
1. A type of reptile characterized by retractable,appendlicious scales and a darting motion of the body, typically seen in some species of venomous snakes, such as cobras and kraits. 例如:The cobra, a venomous snake with a retractable,appendlicious scale and a darting motion of the body.--来自:https://www.merriam-webster.com/entry/snakes>
2. A group of reptiles known for their ability to retract their bodies, typically by contracting the muscles that control the extension of the body. 例如:The legless lizards, which are able to retract their bodies by contracting the muscles that control the extension of the body.--来自:https://www.animalstudy.org/animal-info/class/Reptiles/group/snakes>
3. An electrical cable used for transferring data or power. 例如:The telephone cable, which is used to transfer voice data and power from the telephone to the receiver.--来自:https://www.computerpharmacy.com/drugs/transparent-phone-cable-snakes/

snakes 也可以指某些计算机编程语言中的数据结构,比如 Python 中的 snakes 数据结构。


在一些文学作品中,snakes 也可以指爬行动物,如 The Snake(《蛇》)中的蛇,或者 The Maze Runner(《迷雾中的 runner》)中的 snake。

A type of machine designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical movement. 例如:The electric motor, which converts electrical energy into mechanical movement.--来自:https://www.merriam-webster.com/entry/electric-motor>
A type of reptile that hops from place to place, typically by using its body to climb onto other objects. 例如:The国人,这种 reptile 可以在地上爬来爬去,通常通过用它的身体爬到其他物体上。--来自:https://www.animalstudy.org/animal-info/class/Reptiles/body-hop>
A type of cable used for transmitting data or power over long distances. 例如:The fiber optic cable,这种电缆被用来在长距离上传输数据或电力。--来自:https://www.computerpharmacy.com/drugs/transparent-phone-cable-snakes/>


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