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settle into什么意思及同义词

settle into的意思及同义词
h2: settle into
settle into
动词短语: Settle into
动词及过去式: Settled
动词及过去分词: Settling
介词短语: into what you like
短语: into what you think
短语: into what you want
动词短语: settle into meaning
动词及过去式: Settled into meaning
动词及过去分词: Settling into meaning
1. I'm going to settle into a comfortable position on the couch. (我打算在沙发上找一个舒适的姿势。)
2. He settled into his seat after a long day of work. (他在工作了一天后,坐下来休息。)
3. The plane settled into the runway. (飞机安全地降落在跑道上。)

1. settle down: 坐下来,安顿下来。

2. settle into: 适应,进入状态。

3. settle out: 离开,退出。

4. settle up: 建立,成立。

5. settle down onto: 坐到某个位置上。




Don't worry too much. Just relax and settle into a comfortable position.

After a long day, it's important to settle into a comfortable state and let your mind relax.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Just take a break and settle into what you like.

除了“进入你喜欢的状态”外,动词短语“settle into”还有其他一些用途。

I'm going to settle into a quiet place to read a book. (我要找一个安静的地方读书。)
He settled into his role as the main villain in the movie. (他将自己定位为电影中的主要反派。)
The company wants to settle into a more sustainable business model. (公司希望实现更可持续的业务模式。)




Don't be afraid to adjust your routine to suit your comfort level.

It's important to make time for self-care and do what makes you comfortable.

Just because something is comfortable doesn't mean it's the best for you.


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