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[h2]Likely 的含义与用法


[p]在英语中,likely是一个副词,可以用来表示可能性的大小。例如,当我们说“It is likely that the meeting will be productive”时,意思就是“会议可能会取得进展”。

[p]另外,likely也可以用作名词,表示可能性。例如,我们可以说“The report is likely to be released next week”。


[p]与likely意思相近的词有probable、 possible、 likelihood。这三个词都表示可能性的大小。


[p]反义词方面,与likely意思相反的词是 unlikely,表示“不可能的”。


[p]1. It is likely that the weather will change.

[p]2. The test is likely to be on Friday.

[p]3. The job is likely to be a good opportunity.

[p]4. It is likely that the package has arrived.


[p]1. The teacher told us that the test is likely to be difficult.

[p]2. The report is likely to be published next year.

[p]3. The storekeeper said that the chicken is likely to be fresh.

[p]4. It is likely that we will arrive at the airport on time.


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