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Random English [随机英文的意思] Random English是指任意或无序的英语,通常用于描述没有特定顺序或模式的事物。它可以指任何不遵循规律的事物,也可以指没有明确目标或方向的行为。 [怎么读(音标)] /ˈrændəm ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ [用法] Random English通常作为一个形容词使用,用来修饰名词。它可以用来描述任何事物,人、物品、行为等。 [例句1-5句且中英对照] 1. She has a random collection of books on her shelf. (她书架上有一堆杂乱的书。) 2. The students were asked to write a random story without any specific plot. (老师让学生们写一篇没有特定情节的随笔。) 3. I don't understand why he always makes random decisions without thinking. (我不明白他为什么总是不加思考地做出随意的决定。) 4. The weather forecast said there will be random showers throughout the day. (天气预报说今天将会有零星阵雨。) 5. The comedian's jokes were completely random and had the audience laughing non-s. (喜剧演员的笑话完全是无厘头的,让观众笑个不停。) [同义词及用法] 1. Arbitrary (adj.): 随意的,武断的 例句:The teacher's grading system seems arbitrary and unfair. (老师的评分似乎是随意和不公平的。) 2. Haphazard (adj.): 杂乱无章的,无计划的 例句:The books on the shelf were arranged in a haphazard manner. (书架上的书摆放得很杂乱。) 3. Casual (adj.): 随意的,漫不经心的 例句:He made a casual remark about the weather without really paying attention to it. (他随口说了一句关于天气的话,其实并没有真正关注。) 4. Unpredictable (adj.): 不可预测的,变化多端的 例句:The stock market is known for its unpredictable nature, making it a risky investment option. (股市以其不可预测性而闻名,使其成为一种高风险的投资选择。) 5. Chance (n.): 偶然性,机会 例句:The winner of the raffle was chosen by chance, as everyone had an equal chance of winning. (抽奖活动中获胜者是偶然被选出来的,因为每个人都有同样的机会赢得奖品。) [编辑总结] Random English是一个常用于日常生活中描述无序、随意或没有明确目标的事物或行为。它可以作为一个形容词来修饰名词,也可以作为一个名词来指代无序的事物。同义词包括arbitrary、haphazard、casual、unpredictable和chance。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的同义词,以免造成歧义。



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