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Football [ˈfʊtbɔːl] Noun. A game played by two teams of eleven players each, using a round ball that may not be touched with the hands or arms during play except by the goalkeepers, the object being to score goals by kicking, heading, or pushing the ball into the opponent's goal. 用法:足球是一种由两支每支有十一名球员的球队参加的比赛,使用一个圆形的球,除了守门员外,在比赛过程中不能用手或手臂触碰球,目标是通过踢、头顶或推进球进入对手的球门得分。 例句: 1. He has been playing football since he was five years old. 他从五岁开始就在踢足球了。 2. The World Cup is the biggest football tournament in the world. 世界杯是世界上最大的足球比赛。 3. She is a talented football player and has won many awards. 她是一名天才的足球运动员,并获得了许多奖项。 4. The two teams are tied at 1-1 in this exciting football match. 在这场激动人心的足球比赛中,两支队伍打成了1比1平。 5. Football is a popular sport in many countries around the world. 足球是世界上许多流行的运动。 同义词及用法: Soccer - This is another word for football that is commonly used in North America and Australia. 编辑总结: 作为一项全球性的运动,足球在许多都备受热爱和追捧。无论是在职业水平还是业余水平,足球都能带给人们无穷的乐趣和激情。通过这篇词典释义,我们可以更加深入地了解足球的含义、用法以及相关的同义词。希望这篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解并使用这个英文单词。



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