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Meaning: When a device shows that it has been logged in by another phone, it means that the device has been accessed by someone else's mobile phone. Pronunciation: [dɪˈviːs ˈlɒgɪn ˈʃəʊz ˌbɪd ə ðər məʊˈbaɪl ˈlɒgɪn gəʊv] Usage: This phrase is commonly used to describe a situation where a device, such as a computer or a social media account, shows that it has been accessed by another mobile phone without the owner's knowledge or permission. Example Sentences: 1. My lap suddenly shut down and when I turned it back on, it showed that it had been logged in by another phone. I think my roommate must have used it while I was out. (我的笔记本电脑突然关机,当我重新打开它时,显示被另一部手机登录过。我想是我的室友在我外出时使用了它。) 2. The security system of our office was breached last night. It showed that someone had logged in using their mobile phone and accessed confidential information. (我们办公室的安全昨晚被入侵了。显示有人使用他们的手机登录并访问了机密信息。) 3. I received an email from my social media account saying that my account was logged in from a different device. I immediately changed my password to protect my account. (我收到一封来自我的社交媒体账户的电子邮件,说我的账户被从另一台设备登录过。我立即更改了密码以保护我的账户。) 4. The bank alerted me that my credit card was used for an online transaction from a different phone. I checked my device login history and saw that someone had accessed my account. (银行通知我,我的信用卡被用于从另一部手机进行的网上交易。我检查了我的设备登录历史记录,有人访问了我的账户。) 5. It's important to always log out of your accounts when using a public computer to avoid any potential device login by someone else's phone. (在使用公共电脑时,始终注销您的账户是很重要的,以避免被他人的手机登录设备。) Synonyms and Usage: 1. Accessed by another phone/device: This phrase can be used interchangeably with "logged in by another phone" to describe the unauthorized access of a device. (被另一部手机/设备访问:这个短语可以与“被另一部手机登录”互换使用,来描述未经授权的设备访问。) 2. Unauthorized access: This term refers to the act of accessing a device or account without the owner's knowledge or permission. (未经授权访问:这个术语指未经所有者知情或允许而访问设备或账户的行为。) 3. Breached security: This phrase is used to describe a situation where the security measures of a system or device have been compromised, allowing unauthorized access. (安全被入侵:这个短语用来描述或设备的安全措施被破坏的情况,从而允许未经授权的访问。) 4. Device login history: This refers to the record of all the devices that have been used to access an account or device. (设备登录历史记录:这指的是所有被用来访问账户或设备的设备记录。) 5. Protect account: This phrase is used to emphasize the importance of keeping personal accounts secure and preventing unauthorized access. (保护账户:这个短语强调了保持个人账户安全和防止未经授权访问的重要性。) Editor's Summary: In today's digital age, it is important to be aware of the security risks that come with using devices and accounts. The phrase "device login showing another phone" is a common occurrence that can indicate unauthorized access. It is crucial for individuals to take necessary precautions, such as regularly checking device login history and changing passwords, to protect their personal information from being accessed by others without permission.



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