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xǔ jìn hēng noun. 1. A Chinese name. 2. The meaning of "Xu Jinheng" is "a man who is talented and has great potential". 3. In Chinese culture, a person's name is believed to have an impact on their personality and destiny. Therefore, parents often choose a name that reflects their hopes and wishes for their child's future. "Xu Jinheng" is a popular name in China, often given to boys who are expected to achieve great things in life. Example sentences: 1. 他的名字叫许晋亨,意思是他将会成为一个有才华、有潜力的男子。 (His name is Xu Jinheng, which means he will become a talented and promising man.) 2. 许晋亨在学校里表现出色,老师和同学们都对他充满期待。 (Xu Jinheng performs exceptionally well in school, and his teachers and classmates have high expectations for him.) 3. 父母给孩子取名时通常会考虑到名字的含义,他们希望孩子能够实现许晋亨的意义。 (Parents often consider the meaning of a name when naming their child, hoping that their child can fulfill the meaning of Xu Jinheng.) 4. 许晋亨在工作中展现出了惊人的才华,很快就获得了升职和加薪的机会。 (Xu Jinheng has shown remarkable talent in his job and quickly earned opportunities for promotion and salary increase.) 5. 这位年轻人的名字叫许晋亨,他的父母希望他能够成为家里的骄傲。 (This young man's name is Xu Jinheng, and his parents hope that he can become the pride of the family.) Synonyms: 1. 才华横溢 (cái huá héng yì) - talented and promising 2. 有前途 (yǒu qián tú) - have a promising future 3. 有潜力 (yǒu qián lì) - have great potential Editor's summary: In Chinese culture, a person's name holds great significance and can reflect their personality and destiny. "Xu Jinheng" is a popular name given to boys who are expected to achieve great things in life. It carries the meaning of being talented and having great potential, making it a desirable name for parents to give their child. Other similar names include "才华横溢" (cái huá héng yì), "有前途" (yǒu qián tú), and "有潜力" (yǒu qián lì).



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