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1. Expression (n.) 2. /ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ 3. The act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas through words, actions, or other forms of communication. 4. 1. She had a pained expression on her face. 2. He used his body language to express his frustration. 3. The artist's paintings are a beautiful expression of her emotions. 4. The poem is a powerful expression of love and longing. 5. His facial expressions revealed his true feelings. 1. Synonyms: communication, articulation, representation 2. Expressions can be verbal or nonverbal forms of communication and can include words, gestures, facial expressions, and body language. 3. Editor's Summary: Expression is a fundamental aspect of human communication and can be conveyed through various forms such as words, actions, and body language. 英语的意思 1. English (n.) 2. /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ 3. A West Germanic language widely spoken in many countries as the primary or secondary language for communication and commerce. 4. 1.The official language in England is English. 2.Many people around the world learn English as their second language. 3.I need to improve my English for my job interview. 4.She speaks fluent English with a British accent. 5.His writing skills in English are exceptional. 1.Synonyms: Language, Tongue 2.It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world with over 1 billion speakers globally. 3.Editor's Summary: English is a global language that plays an important role in international communication and business. 怎么读 1.How to pronounce (v.) 2./haʊ tu prəˈnaʊns/ 3.To say or articulate a word or phrase correctly and clearly. 4.1. Can you please tell me how to pronounce this word? 2. She struggles to pronounce some English words. 3. He can pronounce his name in different languages. 4. It's important to learn how to pronounce words accurately when learning a new language. 5. The pronunciation of this word is tricky, let me teach you how to say it correctly. 1.Synonyms: Articulate, Enunciate 2.It is important to learn the correct pronunciation of words in order to communicate effectively in a language. 3.Editor's Summary: Pronunciation is an essential aspect of language learning and communication, as it ensures clear and accurate understanding of words and phrases. 用法 1.Usage (n.) 2./ˈjuːsɪdʒ/ 3.The way in which something is used or applied. 4.1. The usage of this word has changed over time. 2. The proper usage of grammar is important in writing. 3. The usage of technology has increased significantly in recent years. 4. This tool has multiple usages, it can be used for various tasks. 5. The usage of plastic bags has been banned in many countries due to environmental concerns. 1.Synonyms: Application, Utilization 2.Usage can refer to the way something is used or the frequency with which it is used. 3.Editor's Summary: Usage refers to the proper way something should be used or applied, and it can also refer to the frequency with which something is used. 例句 1.Example sentence (n.) 2./ɪɡˈzɑːmpl sɛntəns/ 3.A sentence that illustrates the meaning or usage of a particular word or phrase. 4.1. Can you give me an example sentence using this word? 2. The dictionary provides example sentences for each entry. 3. He struggled to come up with an example sentence for the new vocabulary words. 4. We were asked to write example sentences using the new grammar rules. 5. The teacher gave us a list of vocabulary words and asked us to create our own example sentences. 1.Synonyms: Illustration, Demonstration 2.Example sentences are useful in understanding the meaning and usage of a word or phrase in context. 3.Editor's Summary: Example sentences provide practical and contextual understanding of a word or phrase, making it easier to learn and use new vocabulary. 同义词及用法 1.Synonyms (n.) 2./ˈsɪnənɪmz/ 3.Words that have similar meanings or can be used interchangeably in certain contexts. 4.1. These two words have similar meanings, they can be used as synonyms. 2. The thesaurus provides synonyms for each word entry. 3. He used a synonym for "happy" in his essay to avoid repetition. 4. "Big" and "large" are synonyms that can be used interchangeably in most cases. 5. The English language has many synonyms due to its rich history and influences from other languages. 1.Synonyms: Equivalents, Alternatives 2.Knowing synonyms can help expand one's vocabulary and improve writing skills by avoiding repetition of words. 3.Editor's Summary: Synonyms are words that have similar meanings or can be used interchangeably in certain contexts, which is useful in expanding one's vocabulary and improving writing skills. 编辑总结 本文介绍了五个与语言和表达相关的词汇,包括expression、English、pronunciation、usage和example sentence。它们分别表示表达的方式、英语语言、发音、用法以及例句。每个词汇都提供了音标、定义和多个例句,以及同义词和用法。这些词汇在日常生活中都非常重要,对于学习和使用英语来说也是至关重要的。通过阅读本文,读者可以更好地理解这些词汇的含义和用法,并且可以通过使用同义词来丰富自己的表达能力。总的来说,语言是人类沟通和交流的基础,而这些词汇则是构成语言的重要组成部分,在我们日常生活中起着不可或缺的作用。



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