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1. 荒芜(huāng wú) 读音:/hwaŋ wu/ 用法:形容土地贫瘠,植物稀少,景象凄凉。 例句: 英文释义:desolate; barren 用法:describing poor land, few plants, and a bleak landscape. 例句: 1. The once fertile land has become barren and desolate after years of drought. 这片曾经肥沃的土地,在多年的干旱后变得荒芜凄凉。 2. The abandoned village was now a desolate and barren place. 这个被遗弃的村庄现在变成了荒芜贫瘠之地。 同义词及用法:贫瘠(pín jí)- describing poor soil or land that is not suitable for growing plants 例句: 1. The farmers struggled to grow crops on the infertile and barren land. 农民们在这块贫瘠荒芜的土地上艰难种植庄稼。 2. The desert is a harsh and desolate place with little vegetation. 沙漠是一个缺乏植被、荒芜凄凉的严酷之地。 编辑总结:茂盛的反义词“荒芜”形容了一片土地或者景象的贫瘠和萧条。与茂盛相比,它给人一种枯寂和无生气的感觉。在写作中,可以用来形容农田、草原或者其他自然景观的变化。同时,也可以用来比喻一个人的生活状态或者心灵的荒芜和孤寂。



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