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Meaning: The English natural phonics basic rule table is a guide to help people correctly pronounce words in English by following certain rules. How to read (pronunciation): /ɪŋˈɡlɪʃ nætʃərəl ˈfɒnɪks ˈbeɪsɪk ruːl ˈteɪbəl/ Usage: This table is used as a reference for correct pronunciation of English words, especially for non-native speakers. Example sentences: 1. The English natural phonics basic rule table is a useful tool for those learning English as a second language. (英语自然拼读法基本规则表对于学习英语作为第二语言的人来说是一个有用的工具。) 2. It is important to follow the guidelines in the English natural phonics basic rule table to improve your pronunciation. (遵循英语自然拼读法基本规则表中的指导对于改善你的发音非常重要。) 3. The English natural phonics basic rule table helped me understand why some words are pronounced differently than they are spelled. (英语自然拼读法基本规则表帮助我理解为什么有些单词的发音和拼写不同。) 4. As an editor, I always refer to the English natural phonics basic rule table when checking the pronunciation of words in articles. (作为一名编辑,我在检查文章中单词的发音时经常参考英语自然拼读法基本规则表。) 5. The English natural phonics basic rule table is a great resource for teachers to use in their English language classes. (英语自然拼读法基本规则表是教师在英语课堂上使用的绝佳资源。) Synonyms and usage: Phonics guide, pronunciation rule table, phonetics reference Editor's summary: The English natural phonics basic rule table is a helpful tool for non-native speakers to correctly pronounce English words by following specific rules. It is important to refer to this table when learning or teaching English to improve pronunciation. Other synonyms for this table include phonics guide, pronunciation rule table, and phonetics reference.



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