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Meaning: An English sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. Pronunciation: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈsentəns/ Usage: English sentences are used to communicate ideas and information. They can be simple or complex, and can be made up of different parts such as subjects, verbs, objects, and modifiers. Example 1: She loves to read. (Subject-Verb sentence) 她喜欢阅读。 Example 2: The cat is sleeping on the couch. (Subject-Verb-Object sentence) 猫正在沙发上睡觉。 Example 3: My favorite color is blue. (Subject-Verb-Complement sentence) 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。 Example 4: He ran quickly to catch the bus. (Compound sentence) 他快速跑去赶公交车。 Example 5: Although she was tired, she continued working. (Complex sentence) 尽管她很累,但她仍然继续工作。 Synonyms and usage: 1. Phrase - a group of words without a subject and verb, used as an expression or idiom. Example: "Piece of cake" means something is very easy. “Piece of cake”意思是某事非常容易。 2. Clause - a group of words with a subject and verb, which can form part of a sentence. Example: "When I arrived" is a dependent clause in the sentence "When I arrived, the party had already started." “当我到达时”是句子“When I arrived,the party had already started.”中的一个从属分句。 3. Statement - an assertive or declarative sentence that states a fact or opinion. Example: "The sky is blue" is a statement. “天空是蓝色”的是陈述句。 4. Question - an interrogative sentence that asks for information. Example: "What time is it?" is a question. “现在几点了?”是疑问句。 5. Exclamation - an exclamatory sentence that expresses strong emotion or feeling. Example: "Wow, what a beautiful sunset!" is an exclamation. “哇,多美的日落!”是感叹句。 Editor's summary: English sentences are the building blocks of communication in the English language. They can be simple or complex, and are used to express thoughts, ideas, and information. Understanding the different types of sentences and their usage can help improve one's English language skills.



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