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jiàn de bǐ shùn Meaning: The stroke order of a character is the specific sequence in which the strokes of a Chinese character are written. It is an important aspect of Chinese calligraphy and is essential for proper character formation. Pronunciation: /jiàn də bǐ ʃwən/ Usage: The stroke order of a character is crucial for proper handwriting and calligraphy. It helps to maintain consistency and balance in the characters. Example Sentences: 1. 他的汉字写得很漂亮,因为他非常注重舰的笔顺。 His Chinese characters are written beautifully because he pays great attention to the stroke order. 2. 学习汉字时,要特别注意每个字的舰的笔顺。 When learning Chinese characters, pay special attention to the stroke order of each character. 3. 要想写出美观的汉字,必须严格按照规定的舰的笔顺来书写。 To write beautiful Chinese characters, one must strictly follow the prescribed stroke order. 4. 这个汉字的舰的笔顺有点复杂,需要多练习才能掌握。 The stroke order of this Chinese character is a bit complicated, it takes practice to master it. 5. 在传统文化中,掌握好舰的笔顺是非常重要的一部分。 In traditional Chinese culture, mastering the stroke order is an essential part. Synonyms and Usage: 1. 笔画顺序 (bǐ huà shùn xù) - stroke sequence/order 2. 笔画笔顺 (bǐ huà bǐ shùn) - stroke order 3. 笔顺规范 (bǐ shùn guī fàn) - standard stroke order 4. 笔画次序 (bǐ huà cì xù) - stroke order/sequence 5. 书写顺序 (shū xiě shùn xù) - writing sequence/order Editor's Summary: The stroke order of a character is an essential aspect of Chinese calligraphy and handwriting. It is important to pay attention to the correct stroke order in order to write beautiful and balanced characters. Practicing the stroke order is crucial for mastering Chinese characters and understanding traditional Chinese culture.



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