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Matrix /'meɪtrɪks/ noun: a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. 矩阵:一个由数字、符号或表达式组成的矩形数组,排列成行和列。 1. The data was organized in a matrix format for easier analysis. 这些数据以矩阵格式组织,以便更容易分析。 2. The code used to create the matrix was very complex. 用于创建该矩阵的代码非常复杂。 3. The matrix is a useful tool for solving equations. 矩阵是解决方程的有用工具。 4. The matrix was filled with numbers and symbols that represented different variables. 该矩阵中充满了不同变量的数字和符号。 5. The matrix can be used to represent data in a visual way for better understanding. 可以使用矩阵以视觉方式表示数据,以便更好地理解。 Synonyms: 1. Array: a similar arrangement of elements in rows and columns. 2. Grid: a network of lines that cross each other to form squares or rectangles. 3. Table: an arrangement of data or information in rows and columns for easy reference. 4. Spreadsheet: a computer program that organizes data into rows and columns for calculations and analysis. 5. Matrix chart: a visual representation of data using intersecting rows and columns. Editor's Summary: A matrix is a mathematical concept that represents an array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns for easier analysis and solving equations. It is commonly used in various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and statistics to organize and represent data in a visual way. Synonyms for matrix include array, grid, table, spreadsheet, and matrix chart.



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