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Word: Panorama Pronunciation: /pænəˈrɑːmə/ Meaning: A wide and unbroken view of a large area, usually seen from a high point. Usage: This word is often used to describe a stunning and expansive view of nature or a cityscape. It can also refer to a comprehensive and overall view of a situation or ic. Example 1: The panorama from the of the mountain was breathtaking, with rolling hills and lush green forests stretching as far as the eye could see. Example 2: The city's skyline was even more impressive when viewed from the observation deck, providing a stunning panorama of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets. Synonyms: 1. Scenery - refers to the natural features or landscape that can be seen in an area. 2. Vista - describes a view that is pleasing to the eye. 3. Landscape - refers to the visible features of an area, including physical elements such as mountains, rivers, and vegetation. 4. View - simply means what can be seen from a particular vantage point. 5. Outlook - describes one's perspective or attitude towards something. Editor's Summary: Panorama is a versatile word that can be used to describe both physical views and perspectives on various ics. Its use in describing beautiful landscapes makes it an essential word for travelers and nature enthusiasts. However, it can also be used in everyday conversations when discussing one's outlook on life or current events. Remember to use this word when you want to paint a vivid picture with your words.



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