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Meaning: Distinctive Translation of English Pronunciation: /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv trænsˈleɪʃən əv ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ Usage: This phrase refers to the unique and characteristic way in which a person or group of people translate English into another language. It can also be used to describe a specific style or approach to translation that sets it apart from others. Example Sentences: 1. His distinctive translation of Shakespeare's plays has made him one of the most sought-after translators in the industry. 他独特的英文翻译使他成为业界最受欢迎的译者之一。 2. The company prides itself on its team of translators who each have their own distinctive translation style. 该公司以其团队中每个人都有自己独特的翻译风格而自豪。 3. The author's distinctive translation of the novel captured the essence and emotions of the original text. 作者独特的小说翻译捕捉到了原文的精髓和情感。 4. The documentary used a distinctive translation technique to convey the cultural nuances of the foreign language interviews. 这部纪录片采用了一种独特的翻译技巧来传达外语访谈中的文化细微差别。 5. Her distinctive translation of the poem added a new layer of depth to its meaning. 她对这首诗歌的独特翻译为其意义增添了新层次。 Synonyms and Usage: 1. Unique Translation - This phrase can be used interchangeably with "Distinctive Translation" to refer to a translation that stands out for its originality and individual style. 2. Personalized Translation - This term can be used to describe a translation that reflects the translator's personal touch and unique approach. 3. Creative Translation - This phrase is often used to describe a translation that goes beyond the literal meaning of the words and adds creative elements to enhance the overall impact. 4. Individualized Translation - Similar to "Personalized Translation," this term emphasizes the individuality of the translator's style and technique. 5. Original Translation - This term can be used to describe a translation that is not based on any previous translations, but rather, is completely original in its approach. Editor's Summary: Distinctive Translation of English refers to a unique and characteristic way of translating English into another language. It can also describe a specific style or approach to translation that sets it apart from others. Synonyms such as Unique, Personalized, Creative, Individualized, and Original Translation can be used interchangeably depending on the context. As an editor, it is important to recognize and appreciate distinctive translations for their creativity and individuality in conveying meaning across languages.



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