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qi chuan yu xu Meaning: Out of breath, panting or gasping for air due to physical exertion or exhaustion. Usage: 气喘吁吁 is an expression that describes the state of being out of breath, panting or gasping for air. It is usually used to describe someone who has been physically active and is now struggling to catch their breath. Example Sentences: 1. 我跑了一圈,气喘吁吁地倒在地上。 I ran a lap and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. 2. 他爬完了那座陡峭的山,气喘吁吁地坐在山顶上。 He climbed up that steep mountain and sat at the , panting for air. 3. 她刚从健身房出来,满头大汗,气喘吁吁地说:“我需要休息一下。” She just came out of the gym, sweating profusely and gasping for air, saying "I need to take a break." 4. 我们跑了十公里步道,气喘吁吁地到达终点。 We ran 10 kilometers on the trail and arrived at the finish line panting for air. 5. 那个老人在爬楼梯时气喘吁吁的,我们赶紧帮他拿行李。 The old man was gasping for air while climbing the stairs, so we quickly helped him with his luggage. Synonyms: 1. 喘息 (chuan xi) - to breathe heavily or pant 2. 喘气 (chuan qi) - to gasp for air or breathe heavily 3. 喘粗气 (chuan cu qi) - to breathe heavily or pant 4. 气喘吁吁的 (qi chuan yu xu de) - out of breath, panting or gasping for air 5. 气喘如牛 (qi chuan ru niu) - to pant like a cow, to be out of breath Editor's Summary: 气喘吁吁 is a commonly used expression in Chinese that describes the state of being out of breath, panting or gasping for air due to physical exertion or exhaustion. It is often used in situations where someone has been physically active and is now struggling to catch their breath. Other similar expressions include 喘息, 喘气, and 气喘如牛. As an editor, it is important to accurately convey the meaning and usage of this expression in order to provide clear and concise definitions for readers.



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