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1. English: Exaggerate 2. Pronunciation: /ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/ 3. Definition: To make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is. 4. Example Sentences: 1) She always exaggerates her accomplishments to impress others. 她总是夸大自己的成就来给别人留下印象。 2) Don't exaggerate the size of the fish you caught. 别夸大你钓到的鱼的大小。 3) The media tends to exaggerate the effects of natural disasters. 媒体往往会夸大自然灾害的影响。 4) He exaggerated his injury to get out of work. 他夸大自己的伤势以逃避工作。 5) She tends to exaggerate when telling stories. 她在讲故事时倾向于夸张其实情况。 5. Synonyms and Usage: Synonyms: overstate, magnify, embellish Usage: These words can be used interchangeably with "exaggerate" in most cases. 6. Editor's Summary: "Exaggerate" is a verb often used to describe the act of making something seem bigger or more significant than it actually is. It can have a negative connotation if used in a dishonest or misleading way, but can also be used for comedic effect or to emphasize a point. Synonyms such as "overstate" and "magnify" can be used in similar contexts as well. Remember not to overuse this word and use it appropriately in your writing.



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