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Tree bark 怎么读 / triː bɑːrk / 用法 名词,可数 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The tree bark is rough and textured, providing a protective layer for the tree's inner layers. 树皮粗糙而有纹理,为树木的内层提供保护层。 2. Some animals, such as squirrels and woodpeckers, rely on tree bark as a food source. 一些动物,如松鼠和啄木鸟,依赖树皮作为食物来源。 3. The tree bark can also be used for medicinal purposes, containing compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. 树皮也可以用于药用目的,含有具有抗炎和抗氧化作用的化合物。 4. The color and texture of the tree bark can vary depending on the type of tree and its age. 树皮的颜色和质地取决于树木的种类和年龄。 5. The removal of tree bark can cause harm to the health of the tree, making it more susceptible to diseases and pests. 剥离树皮会对树木的健康造成伤害,使其更容易受到疾病和害虫的侵袭。 同义词及用法 1. Bark: This is another word for tree bark and can be used interchangeably in most cases. 2. Rind: This term is often used to refer to the tough outer layer of a fruit or vegetable, but can also be used to describe the outer layer of a tree. 3. Skin: While this term is most commonly used to refer to the outer covering of an animal, it can also be used to describe the outer layer of a tree. 4. Peeling: This term is often used to describe the process of removing the outer layer of something, such as an orange or a banana. It can also be used to describe the removal of tree bark. 5. Husk: This term is typically used to refer to the outer layer or covering of a seed or nut, but can also be used to describe the outer layer of a tree. 编辑总结 树皮是树木外层的保护层,具有重要的生物学和生态功能。它可以为树木提供保护,作为动物的食物来源,也可以用于药用。同时,剥离树皮会对树木的健康造成伤害。除了常用的"bark"外,还有一些同义词可以用来描述树皮,如"rind"、"skin"、"peeling"和"husk"。保护树皮对维持树木的健康至关重要。



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