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jí pǐn měi nǚ tú piàn 用法:极品美女图片是指外貌极为出众、令人惊艳的女性的照片或画面。常见于网络、杂志等媒体。 例句1:这家杂志每月都会推出一期精彩的极品美女图片,吸引了大量读者的关注。 This magazine publishes a wonderful collection of photos of stunningly beautiful women every month, attracting a large following of readers. 例句2:这张极品美女图片在社交媒体上疯传,许多网友纷纷转发并称赞其美丽动人。 This photo of an incredibly beautiful woman went viral on social media, with many netizens sharing and praising her beauty. 例句3:这部电影中的女主角被观众称为是当之无愧的极品美女,她的演技和外貌都令人印象深刻。 The female lead in this movie is hailed by audiences as a truly stunning beauty, with both her acting skills and appearance leaving a lasting impression. 例句4:这个网站专门收集和分享各种类型的极品美女图片,让用户可以随时欣赏到不同风格的美丽女性。 This website specializes in collecting and sharing various types of photos of stunningly beautiful women, allowing users to constantly admire different styles of gorgeous females. 例句5:这幅画作中描绘的极品美女身姿婀娜,容貌绝美,令人叹为观止。 The painting depicts a stunningly beautiful woman with graceful posture and exquisite features, leaving viewers in awe. 同义词及用法:出众的美女照片、惊艳的女性图像、令人惊叹的女神图片。 编辑总结:极品美女图片是指外表极为出色、令人惊艳的女性照片或画面,常见于网络和媒体。使用时需注意文明用语,避免过度夸张。同义词有“出众的美女照片”、“惊艳的女性图像”等。



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