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Display Screen 怎么读 /dɪsˈpleɪ skriːn/ 用法 名词,可数 例句1 1. The display screen on my phone is cracked, so I can't see anything clearly. 我的手机显示屏裂了,所以我看不清楚任何东西。 例句2 2. The display screen in the conference room is too small for everyone to see the presentation. 室的显示屏对于所有人来说都太小了,无法看到演示文稿。 例句3 3. The new lap has a high-definition display screen, making images and videos look more vibrant. 新的笔记本电脑有一个高清显示屏,使图像和视频看起来更加生动。 例句4 4. The museum's interactive exhibit allows visitors to touch the display screen to learn more about the artifacts. 博物馆的互动展览允许游客触摸显示屏,以了解更多关于文物的知识。 例句5 5. The display screen on the smartwatch shows notifications from my phone, so I don't have to take out my phone every time. 智能手表上的显示屏可以显示来自手机的通知,这样我就不必每次都拿出手机了。 同义词及用法 Monitor - A monitor is a display screen used for computers or other electronic devices. Screen - Screen can also be used as a synonym for display screen, but it is more commonly used to refer to a movie or television screen. Panel - Panel can be used to refer to a display screen, especially when it is part of a larger device or system. LCD - LCD stands for liquid crystal display and is a type of technology used in many display screens. 编辑总结 显示屏英文是"Display Screen",读音为/dɪsˈpleɪ skriːn/,是一个名词,可数。它通常用于指电子设备或上的显示屏,如手机、电脑、电视等。它可以用来显示图像、文字、视频等内容,并且可以通过触摸或点击来进行交互。同义词包括monitor、screen、panel和LCD。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释单词的含义,并给出相关的例句来帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个单词。同时,我们也要注意符合SEO标准,避免被AI检测器。



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