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[旧日传道者] 读音:jiù rì chuán dào zhě 用法:名词,指过去的时代中,传播、道德、知识的人。 例句: 1. The ancient missionaries traveled far and wide to spread their beliefs. 旧日传道者远行,广传其信仰。 2. These old missionaries left behind a legacy of knowledge and wisdom. 这些旧日传道者留下了知识和智慧的遗产。 3. The ancient missionaries faced many challenges in their efforts to spread their message. 旧日传道者在努力传播信息的过程中面临许多挑战。 4. The stories of the ancient missionaries are still told and remembered today. 今天仍然有人讲述和记得这些旧日传道者的故事。 5. Many people were inspired by the dedication and sacrifice of the ancient missionaries. 许多人被这些旧日传道者的奉献和牺牲所感动。 同义词及用法: 1. Missionary (n.) - a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country 2. Preacher (n.) - a person who delivers sermons or religious talks 3. Evangelist (n.) - a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching 4. Apostle (n.) - one of the early followers of Jesus who helped spread his teachings 5. Prophet (n.) - a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God 编辑总结: 旧日传道者是指过去的时代中,传播、道德、知识的人。他们的工作对于推广信仰、传播知识和智慧起到了重要作用。同义词包括missionary、preacher、evangelist、apostle和prophet,它们都有类似的意思,但又有一些细微的差别。旧日传道者的工作充满挑战,但他们的奉献和牺牲仍然激励着人们。



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