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sǐ shì rú shì shuō shuō pèi tú Meaning of "斯事如是说说配图": This phrase is often used to describe a situation or event that is depicted in an accompanying picture. It can also refer to the act of explaining or elaborating on something through the use of visuals. Pronunciation: sǐ shì rú shì shuō shuō pèi tú (suh-ee shr-oo roo shr-ee shoo-oh puh-ee too) Usage: This phrase is commonly used in spoken and written Chinese to introduce a picture or image that is relevant to the ic being discussed. It can also be used as a caption for social media posts or articles. Example 1: 我们今天要谈论的主题是“如何保持健康”,斯事如是说说配图,让我们更直观地了解这个话题。(Wǒmen jīntiān yào tánlùn de zhǔtí shì "rúhé bǎochí jiànkāng", sǐshì rúshì shuōshuō pèitú, ràng wǒmen gèng zhíguān de liǎojiě zhège huàtí.) Translation: The ic we are discussing today is "how to maintain good health". Let's take a look at this picture to get a better understanding of the ic. Example 2: 这篇文章的是“漫谈旅行体验”,斯事如是说说配图,让我们一起分享彼此的旅行故事。(Zhè piān wénzhāng de biāotí shì "màntán lǚxíng tǐyàn", sǐshì rúshì shuōshuō pèitú, ràng wǒmen yīqǐ fēnxiǎng bǐcǐ de lǚxíng gùshì.) Translation: The title of this article is "Sharing Travel Experiences". Let's take a look at this picture and share our own travel stories. Synonyms and Usage: There are no direct synonyms for this phrase, but it can be replaced with other phrases that convey a similar meaning, such as "图文并茂" (túwén bìngmào) or "图解说明" (tújiě shuōmíng). These phrases also refer to the use of pictures to explain or illustrate something. Editor's Summary: In today's fast-paced world where visuals play a significant role in communication, the phrase "斯事如是说说配图" has become increasingly relevant. It not only introduces a picture or image, but also emphasizes the importance of visual aids in understanding and conveying information. As an editor, it is important to keep in mind the power of visuals and how they can enhance the overall message being conveyed.



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