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1. English: a language that is spoken and written in many countries, especially in Great Britain, the United States, and Australia. 2. How to pronounce: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ 3. Usage: English is used as a means of communication among people from different countries and cultures. It is also the primary language for international business, education, and travel. 4. Example sentences: 1) I am learning English so that I can communicate with people from all over the world. 我正在学习英语,这样我就可以与来自世界各地的人交流。 2) The official language of the United States is English. 美国的语言是英语。 3) Many international companies require their employees to be fluent in English. 许多国际公司要求员工精通英语。 4) My dream is to study abroad and improve my English skills. 我的梦想是出国留学,提高我的英语能力。 5) She speaks fluent English with a British accent. 她以一口带有英式口音的流利英语说话。 5. Synonyms and usage: - Language: a system of communication used by a particular country or community (e.g. Spanish, French) - Tongue: the language or dialect spoken by a particular people (e.g. mother tongue) - Dialect: a regional variety of a language with its own distinctive features (e.g. Southern dialect) - Vernacular: the everyday language spoken by ordinary people (e.g. colloquial vernacular) - Lingo: informal words or phrases used by a particular group or profession (e.g. medical lingo) 6. Editor's summary: English is one of the most widely spoken and written languages in the world, used for communication, business, education, and travel. It is important to learn English in order to connect with people from different cultures and countries. There are many synonyms for the word "English," such as language, tongue, dialect, vernacular, and lingo.



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