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Meaning: To make an effort or put in hard work to achieve or improve something in the English language. Pronunciation: /aɪ wiːl ˈɛfərt əv ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ haʊ tu seɪ/ Usage: This phrase is commonly used to express determination and eagerness to learn or master the English language. It can also be used to encourage oneself or others to continue working hard towards a goal. Example Sentences: 1. I will put in all my effort to improve my English skills. 我会努力提高我的英语水平。 2. She promised to make an effort in learning English every day. 她承诺每天都会努力学习英语。 3. We need to put in more effort if we want to speak English fluently. 如果我们想要流利地说英语,就需要更加努力。 4. He made a conscious effort to speak only English during his trip abroad. 他在出国旅行期间刻意只说英语。 5. Despite the challenges, she never gave up and continued with her efforts to learn English. 尽管面临挑战,她从未放弃,继续努力学习英语。 Synonyms and Usage: 1. Strive - To make great efforts towards achieving something, especially when facing difficulties. Example: She strives for perfection in her spoken English. 2. Endeavor - To make a sincere and diligent attempt at achieving something. Example: He endeavors to improve his vocabulary every day. 3. Work hard - To put in a lot of effort and dedication towards a task or goal. Example: If you want to be fluent in English, you need to work hard at it. Editor's Summary: Making an effort to improve one's English skills is crucial for anyone looking to excel in the language. This phrase conveys determination and perseverance, which are essential qualities for success in learning a new language. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal goals, academic pursuits, or professional development. Other synonyms can also be used interchangeably to convey a similar meaning. Remember to always put in your best effort when it comes to learning English!



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