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Nature [nˈeɪʧər] Noun. 1. The basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of a person, place, or thing. 1. 人、地方或事物的基本特征、性格或品质。 Example: His calm nature made him the perfect candidate for the job. 他平静的性格使他成为这份工作的最佳人选。 2. The physical constitution or inherent tendencies of an organism. 2. 生物的身体构造或内在倾向。 Example: The nature of the virus is still being studied by scientists. 科学家们仍在研究这种病毒的性质。 3. The natural world as it exists without human intervention. 3. 未经人类干预存在的自然界。 Example: We must protect and preserve the beauty of nature for future generations. 我们必须保护和保存大自然的美丽,留给后代子孙欣赏。 4. A particular type or kind of something. 4. 某物的特定类型或种类。 Example: The island is known for its diverse nature and wildlife. 这个岛以其多样化的自然环境和野生动物而闻名。 5. Innate disposition towards a certain behavior or way of thinking. 5. 对某种行为或思维方式天生具有的倾向。 Example: Her competitive nature drove her to always strive for success. 她那种竞争性格驱使她不断追求成功。 同义词及用法: - Character: Refers to the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. - Essence: Refers to the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something. - Temperament: Refers to a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior. - Disposition: Refers to a person's inherent qualities of mind and character. - Personality: Refers to the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. 编辑总结: 性质是指人、地方或事物的基本特征、性格或品质,也可以指生物的身体构造或内在倾向,以及未经人类干预存在的自然界。它也可以指某物的特定类型或种类,以及对某种行为或思维方式天生具有的倾向。同义词包括character、essence、temperament、disposition和personality。



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