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Brown English [braʊn ˈɪŋglɪʃ] n. 布朗英文,是一种以英语为基础的语言,常用于日常生活和商务场合。 Brown English is a language based on English, commonly used in daily life and business situations. 1. Brown English is a dialect of English spoken by people in the Brown region. 布朗英文是布朗地区人民使用的一种英语方言。 2. Brown English is also known as "Brownese" or "Brownglish". 布朗英文也被称为“布朗语”或“布朗式英文”。 3. This language has its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. 这种语言拥有自己独特的词汇、语法和发音。 4. Example sentences: 例句: 1) My grandparents only speak Brown English, so I had to learn it in order to communicate with them. 我的祖父母只会说布朗英文,所以我不得不学习它才能与他们交流。 2) The Brownese accent can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand. 对非母语者来说,布朗式口音可能很难理解。 3) He speaks Brownglish fluently, having grown up in the Brown region. 他能流利地说布朗式英文,因为他在布朗地大。 同义词及用法: 1. Dialect - a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group, often with its own vocabulary and grammar. 方言 - 一种由特定地区或群体的人们使用的语言形式,通常具有自己的词汇和语法。 2. Jargon - specialized words or expressions used by a particular profession or group that may be difficult for others to understand. 行话 - 专业或团体使用的专门词汇或表达方式,可能对其他人来说很难理解。 3. Slang - informal words and phrases that are often used in conversation, but may not be considered appropriate in formal situations. 俚语 - 非正式的词汇和短语,通常在谈话中使用,但在正式场合可能不被认为合适。 编辑总结: 布朗英文是一种以英语为基础的方言,拥有自己独特的词汇、语法和发音。它常用于布朗地区的日常生活和商务场合。学习布朗英文可以帮助我们更好地与当地人交流,并且也能增加我们对不同方言和文化的了解。



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