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一:山止川行的意思 山止川行是一个汉语成语,指的是山势平缓,河流平静,形容山水之间的景色宜人,适合行走旅游。 二:怎么读(音标) shān zhǐ chuān xíng 三:用法 该成语通常用来形容山水之间的景色宜人,适合行走旅游。也可以用来比喻事物顺利、平稳。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. 这座城市的自然风光很美,山止川行,吸引了许多游客前来观光。 The natural scenery of this city is very beautiful, with gentle mountains and calm rivers, attracting many tourists to come and visit. 2. 今天的旅程非常愉快,我们一路上都能欣赏到山止川行的美景。 Today's journey is very pleasant, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of gentle mountains and calm rivers all the way. 3. 在这片土地上生活多年,我深深感受到了山止川行带给我的宁静与舒适。 Having lived on this land for many years, I deeply feel the peace and comfort that gentle mountains and calm rivers bring to me. 4. 他们在这个小镇上开了一家民宿,周围环绕着山峦和河流,真是山止川行的好地方。 They opened a homestay in this small town, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is really a good place with gentle mountains and calm rivers. 5. 在这个喧嚣的城市里,我最喜欢去郊外的小山村,那里的景色宁静秀美,真是一处山止川行的世外桃源。 In this bustling city, my favorite place is the small mountain village in the suburbs, where the scenery is peaceful and beautiful, it is truly a secluded paradise with gentle mountains and calm rivers. 五:同义词及用法 1. 山明水秀:形容山水优美、明净。 2. 山青水秀:形容山水清新、秀美。 3. 山清水秀:形容山水清澈、秀美。 4. 山光水色:形容山和水的光彩和色彩。 5. 山清月朗:形容夜晚山上月色明亮。 六:编辑总结 在生活中,我们经常会遇到一些繁忙和压力,而山止川行这个成语就像一首诗般带给我们平静与宁静。无论是欣赏自然风光还是比喻事物顺利,都能让人感受到轻松愉悦的心情。希望大家能够在忙碌的生活中,找到一处山止川行的世外桃源,放松身心,享受美好的生活。



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