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wheat 怎么读(音标) /wiːt/ 用法 Wheat是一个英文名词,指一种常见的小型谷物,也是一种重要的农作物。它通常生长在温带和亚热带地区,是人类主要的粮食来源之一。小麦可以被磨成面粉用于制作面包、面条等食物,也可以用来制作酿造啤酒。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. Wheat is a staple crop in many countries. (小麦是许多的主要农作物。) 2. Wheat is sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation. (小麦对温度和降水变化敏感。) 3. The farmer harvested the wheat from his fields. (农民从他的田地收割了小麦。) 4. I prefer whole wheat bread over white bread for its health benefits. (我更喜欢全麦面包,因为它更健康。) 5. Wheat prices have been steadily rising due to high demand and limited supply. (由于需求量大而供应量有限,小麦价格一直在稳步上涨。) 同义词及用法 1. Grain - refers to any type of cereal crop, including wheat, corn, rice, etc. 2. Cereal - refers to the edible seeds of grasses, often used for breakfast foods like oatmeal or cereal. 3. Flour - refers to the powder made from grinding grains, often used in baking. 4. Barley - another type of cereal grain, often used for making beer and whiskey. 5. Rye - a type of grain similar to wheat, often used in breads and whiskeys. 编辑总结 小麦是一种重要的农作物,也是人类主要的粮食来源之一。它可以用来制作面包、面条、酿造啤酒等食物。小麦对温度和降水变化敏感,因此需要适宜的气候条件来生长。除了作为粮食,小麦也可以用来制作其他产品,如啤酒和威士忌。在英语中,有许多与小麦相关的词汇,如grain、cereal、flour等,它们都有着不同的含义和用法。总的来说,小麦在人类生活中扮演着重要的角色,并且在经济上也具有重要意义。



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