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learn 怎么读 /lɜːn/ 用法 动词,表示通过学习来获取知识或技能。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. I want to learn how to play the guitar. 我想学习如何弹吉他。 2. She is learning French at school. 她在学校学习法语。 3. He learns quickly and easily. 他学习起来快而易懂。 4. The best way to learn a language is to practice speaking it every day. 学习一门语言最好的方法就是每天练习说话。 5. Learning from our mistakes is an important part of the learning process. 从错误中学习是学习过程的重要部分。 同义词及用法 acquire:获得,获取(知识、技能等) 例句: 1. Children acquire language skills by listening and imitating. 孩子们通过听和模仿来获得语言技能。 2. It takes time to acquire the necessary skills for this job. 获得这项工作所需的必要技能需要时间。 absorb:吸收(知识、信息等) 例句: 1. She has a great ability to absorb new concepts quickly. 她有很强的快速吸收新概念的能力。 2. It's important to create a learning environment that encourages students to absorb knowledge actively. 创造一个鼓励学生积极吸收知识的学习环境非常重要。 grasp:理解,领会(知识、概念等) 例句: 1. It took me a while to grasp the concept of quantum physics. 我花了一些时间才理解量子物理学的概念。 2. The students were able to grasp the complex ic thanks to their teacher's clear explanations. 由于老师清晰的解释,学生们能够领会这个复杂的话题。 comprehend:理解,领悟(知识、信息等) 例句: 1. It's important for teachers to ensure that all students comprehend the material before moving on to the next lesson. 老师们在继续下一节课前,确保所有学生都理解了教材是很重要的。 2. She couldn't comprehend why her friend would betray her like that. 她无法理解为什么她的朋友会那样背叛她。 grasp:掌握,熟练掌握(技能、知识等) 例句: 1. It takes time and practice to grasp a new language. 掌握一门新语言需要时间和练习。 2. He has a firm grasp of mathematics, which makes him an excellent tutor. 他对数学有很牢固的掌握,这使得他成为一个出色的导师。 编辑总结 学习是获取知识和技能的过程,在现代社会中至关重要。通过不断地学习,我们可以不断进步,提升自己。学习可以通过多种方式进行,包括阅读、听讲座、观看视频等等。同时,学习也是一个持续不断的过程,我们应该保持对新知识的求知欲和好奇心。最后,学习也需要我们付出努力和坚持,只有这样才能取得成果。



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