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Name: Grace (ɡreɪs) Meaning: Elegant and simple, with a sense of charm and refinement. Usage: Grace can be used as both a given name and a surname. Example Sentences: 1. She was the epitome of grace, with her effortless movements and delicate features. 她是优雅的典范,她的动作优雅自然,容貌精致。 2. The way she spoke with such grace and poise left everyone in awe. 她说话的优雅和镇静让每个人都惊叹不已。 3. Her name was Grace, but she was anything but graceful, often stumbling over her own feet. 她叫格蕾丝,但她一点也不优雅,经常会绊倒自己的脚。 4. The ballerina moved across the stage with grace and precision, captivating the audience. 芭蕾舞女演员优美地在舞台上移动,吸引了观众的注意力。 5. Despite her difficult upbringing, she carried herself with grace and dignity. 尽管成长环境艰苦,但她依然保持着优雅和尊严。 Synonyms: 1. Elegance - the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. 2. Sophistication - refinement and elegance in style or taste. 3. Charm - the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration. 4. Refinement - the quality of being well-mannered or cultured. 5. Poise - graceful and elegant bearing in a person's posture or movement. Editor's Summary: Grace is a beautiful name that embodies elegance and simplicity. It can be used for a girl's first or last name, and is often associated with charm, refinement, and sophistication. This name is perfect for someone who exudes grace in their actions and demeanor. Synonyms such as elegance, sophistication, and charm can also be used to describe someone with the name Grace.



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