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[ˈdɹɪvən] adj. 被驱使的,被迫的 用法: 失控driven作为形容词时,通常用来描述一种被外部力量或因素所驱使或推动的状态。这种状态下,人们往往失去了自我能力,陷入一种无法的状态。 例句: 1. The company's aggressive expansion strategy has left many employees feeling driven and overwhelmed. 这家公司积极的扩张战略让许多员工感到被驱使和不堪重负。 2. She was so driven by her ambition to succeed that she neglected her own health and well-being. 她对成功的渴望驱使着她,以至于忽视了自己的健康和幸福。 3. The politician's actions were clearly driven by a desire for power and control, rather than genuine concern for the people. 这位家的行为明显受到对权力和的渴望驱使,而不是真正关心人民。 4. The protesters were driven to take to the streets by their frustration with the government's lack of action on important issues. 者们受到对在重要问题上缺乏行动的沮丧感驱使走上街头。 5. His extreme behavior was driven by a deep-seated fear of failure and rejection. 他极端的行为受到根深蒂固的失败和拒绝的恐惧驱使。 同义词及用法: 1. Motivated: 与driven相似,都表示受到某种动力或动机驱使。但motivated更强调内在的动力,而driven则更强调外在的因素。 2. Compelled: 同样也表示被迫或被驱使,但compelled通常指受到强大的力量或压力所迫,而driven则更多指受到某种内在或外在因素的推动。 3. Impelled: 也可用来表示被驱使,但更多指受到某种冲动或欲望所推动。 编辑总结: 失控driven一词可以用来形容人们处于一种被外部因素所驱使的状态,往往会导致失去自我能力。它与motivated、compelled和impelled等词语有着一定的近义关系,但仍有着细微的差别。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词语来表达。



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