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Plastic Bracket [ˈplæstɪk] [ˈbrækɪt] Noun. A support or frame made of plastic material used for holding or attaching objects. Example Sentences: 1. The plastic bracket is used to hold the shelves in place. 这个塑料支架用来固定货架。 2. The broken plastic bracket caused the bookshelf to collapse. 断裂的塑料支架导致书架倒塌。 3. The car's bumper was attached to the chassis with a plastic bracket. 汽车的保险杠是用塑料支架固定在底盘上的。 4. The plastic bracket can be easily assembled and disassembled without any tools. 这种塑料支架可以不用任何工具轻松拆装。 5. The manufacturer offers a lifetime warranty for the plastic brackets. 制造商为这些塑料支架提供终身保修。 Synonyms: Plastic Holder, Plastic Frame, Plastic Mount Usage: The term "plastic bracket" is commonly used in various industries such as construction, automotive, and household products. It refers to a wide range of supports or frames that are made of plastic material and serve different purposes. In construction, plastic brackets are often used for fixing pipes, cables, and other small components in place. They are lightweight, durable, and resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for outdoor use. In automotive applications, plastic brackets are commonly found in car interiors and exteriors. They are used for attaching various parts such as panels, mirrors, and lights. Their flexibility allows for easy installation and adjustment. In household products like furniture and appliances, plastic brackets play an important role in providing stability and support. They are used for assembling shelves, drawers, and other components. With the advancement of plastic technology, these brackets can now withstand heavy loads and last for a long time. Overall, plastic brackets offer a cost-effective and versatile solution for various support needs. They are available in different sizes, shapes, and colors to meet specific requirements. Editor's Summary: Plastic brackets are essential components in many industries due to their lightweight, durability, and versatility. They provide support and stability for various objects and can be easily assembled without any tools. With the advancement of plastic technology, they have become more durable and capable of withstanding heavy loads. The term "plastic bracket" is widely used in different contexts and has become an integral part of our daily lives.



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