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[英] /fɔːtiˌsevən/ [美] /fɔːrtiˌsevən/ 用法:名词 1.四十七浪人是一个汉语词汇,指的是古代历史上流浪的文人或者武士。他们通常没有固定的居所,经常在各地游历,以求寻找知音或者机会。 The forty-seven ronin were a group of wandering scholars or warriors in ancient Chinese history. They usually had no fixed abode and often traveled around in search of kindred spirits or opportunities. 2.四十七浪人也可以指一群心灵流浪者,他们没有固定的生活方式和目标,经常在社会边缘徘徊。 The forty-seven ronin can also refer to a group of spiritual wanderers who have no fixed way of life or goals and often hover on the fringes of society. 3.四十七浪人也可以泛指一群无所事事、游荡无聊的人。 The forty-seven ronin can also be used to refer to a group of idle, aimless people. 4.四十七浪人也可以指一群孤独、无依无靠的人。 The forty-seven ronin can also refer to a group of lonely, helpless people. 5.四十七浪人也可以比喻一群追求自由和探索世界的人。 The forty-seven ronin can also be used as a metaphor for a group of people who pursue freedom and explore the spiritual world. 同义词及用法: 1. 流浪者 (liúlàngzhě):指没有固定住所的人,经常四处游荡。 Nomad: refers to someone without a fixed abode who often wanders around. 例句:他是一名流浪者,经常在城市各处流浪。 He is a nomad, often wandering around the city. 2. 游民 (yóumín):指没有固定职业或者住所的人,经常四处漂泊。 Vagrant: refers to someone without a fixed occupation or abode, often drifting around. 例句:这些游民通常生活在街头,没有固定的收入来源。 These vagrants usually live on the streets with no fixed source of income. 3. 流浪汉 (liúlànghàn):指没有固定住所和工作的男性,经常四处流浪。 Hobo: refers to a man without a fixed abode or job, often wandering around. 例句:他是一名流浪汉,每天都在城市各处寻找食物和住所。 He is a hobo, searching for food and shelter in different parts of the city every day. 4. 漂泊者 (piāobózhě):指没有固定住所和职业的人,经常四处漂泊。 Drifter: refers to someone without a fixed abode or occupation, often drifting around. 例句:他是一名漂泊者,经常在海外旅行,寻找自己的人生方向。 He is a drifter, often traveling overseas in search of his life's direction. 5. 流浪客 (liúlàngkè):指没有固定住所和职业的人,经常四处流浪。 Vagabond: refers to someone without a fixed abode or occupation, often wandering around. 例句:这个城市有很多流浪客,他们每天都在街头乞讨。 There are many vagabonds in this city, begging on the streets every day. 编辑总结: 四十七浪人是一个汉语词汇,指的是古代历史上流浪的文人或者武士。除了字面意义外,它也可以引申为心灵流浪者、无所事事的人、孤独无依无靠的人或者追求自由和探索世界的人。同义词包括流浪者、游民、流浪汉、漂泊者和流浪客。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该注意准确理解单词的含义,并且能够灵活运用同义词来丰富表达。以上就是关于四十七浪人这个词汇的详细释义及用法,希望能够帮助你更好地理解这个词汇。



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