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CBD 怎么读(音标) [ˌsiːbiːˈdiː] 用法 CBD是商业中心区(Central Business District)的英文缩写,它是指城市中心的商业区域。商业中心区是一个城市中最重要的经济核心,通常也是和文化中心。在大多数情况下,商业中心区位于城市的核心位置,周围有许多办公楼、购物中心、酒店和娱乐场所。这些地方通常是最繁忙和最拥挤的地方,也是城市经济活动最集中的地方。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The CBD of New York City is known for its bustling streets and towering skyscrapers. 纽约市的商业中心区以熙熙攘攘的街道和高耸入云的摩天大楼而闻名。 2. Many international companies have their headquarters located in the CBD of London. 许多国际公司将总部设在伦敦的商业中心区。 3. The CBD is easily accessible by public transportation, making it a convenient location for businesses. 商业中心区交通便利,这使得它成为企业理想的位置。 4. The CBD is the heart of the city, where all major events and festivals take place. 商业中心区是城市的核心,所有重大活动和节日都在这里举行。 5. Living in the CBD can be expensive, but it offers easy access to all the amenities and attractions of the city. 居住在商业中心区可能很昂贵,但它提供了方便前往城市所有设施和景点的便利。 同义词及用法 1. Downtown - This is another term for the central business district, often used in North America. 2. City center - This is a more general term for the central area of a city, which may include both commercial and residential areas. 3. Financial district - This refers specifically to the area of a city that is dominated by financial institutions and businesses. 4. Business hub - This term can be used to describe any area that serves as a center for business activities. 5. Urban core - This refers to the central area of a city, which may include both commercial and residential areas. 编辑总结 CBD是商业中心区的英文缩写,它是指城市中心的商业区域。商业中心区通常位于城市的核心位置,周围有许多办公楼、购物中心、酒店和娱乐场所。这些地方是城市经济活动最集中的地方。CBD在英语非常常用,因此了解它的意思和用法对于学习英语和商务交流都非常有帮助。



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