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1. Progress (n. /ˈprɑːɡres/): Meaning: movement towards a better or more advanced state; development or improvement. Usage: Progress is often used to describe positive advancement or growth, both in personal and professional contexts. Example sentence: The company has made great progress in their sustainability efforts this year. 中文翻译:进步 用法:进步通常用来描述积极的发展或增长,无论是在个人还是职业环境中。 例句:该公司今年在可持续发展方面取得了巨大的进步。 2. Aggressive (adj. /əˈɡresɪv/): Meaning: ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. Usage: Aggressive is often used to describe someone who is assertive, bold, and proactive in achieving their goals. Example sentence: She is known for her aggressive negotiation skills. 中文翻译:侵略性的 用法:侵略性通常用来形容那些敢于冲击或对抗的人;具有侵略性的特点或结果。 例句:她以其强硬的谈判技巧而闻名。 3. Egress (n. /ˈiːɡres/): Meaning: the action of leaving a place; an exit or way out. Usage: Egress is often used in formal contexts to refer to the act of exiting a building, room, or other enclosed space. Example sentence: Please use the emergency egress on the side of the building in case of fire. 中文翻译:出口 用法:出口通常在正式场合下指离开建筑物、房间或其他封闭空间的行为。 例句:请在火灾发生时使用建筑物侧面的紧急出口。 4. Digress (v. /daɪˈɡres/): Meaning: to deviate or wander away from the main ic or purpose in speaking or writing. Usage: Digress is often used to describe someone who goes off on a tangent or gets sidetracked in a conversation or presentation. Example sentence: Let's not digress from the main point of this meeting. 中文翻译:离题 用法:离题通常用来形容那些在谈话或演讲中走神或被岔开话题的人。 例句:我们不要从的主要议题偏离。 5. Congress (n. /ˈkɑːŋɡres/): Meaning: a formal meeting or assembly of representatives for discussion and decision-making; the national legislative body of a country. Usage: Congress is often used to refer to the governing body of a country, such as the United States Congress. Example sentence: The new policy was passed by congress with overwhelming support. 中文翻译:国会 用法:国会通常指一个的立法,如美国国会。 例句:新以压倒性的支持通过了国会。 同义词及用法: 1. Advancement (n. /ədˈvænsmənt/): the process of moving forward or making progress. Example sentence: The company is focused on the advancement of technology in their industry. 中文翻译:进步 例句:该公司专注于行业技术的进步。 2. Assertive (adj. /əˈsɜːrtɪv/): confident and forceful in stating one's opinions or wishes. Example sentence: She is known for her assertive leadership style. 中文翻译:自信的 例句:她以其自信的领导风格而闻名。 3. Departure (n. /dɪˈpɑːrtʃər/): the action of leaving, typically to start a journey. Example sentence: Her departure from the company was unexpected. 中文翻译:离开 例句:她离开公司是出人意料的。 4. Deviate (v. /ˈdiːvieɪt/): depart from an established course. Example sentence: He tends to deviate from the original plan without notice. 中文翻译:偏离 例句:他倾向于在没有提前通知的情况下偏离原定计划。 5. Legislature (n. /ˈleʤɪsleɪtʃər/): a body of people who have the power to make laws for a country or state. Example sentence: The legislature passed a new bill on education reform. 中文翻译:立法 例句:立法通过了一项关于教育改革的新法案。 编辑总结: 通过以上单词及例句,我们可以看出含有gress词根的单词都与前进、移动、发展等有关。这些单词都可以用来描述积极的进步和发展,但也有一些负面的含义,如侵略性和离题。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的单词来表达自己想要表达的意思。同时,通过使用同义词可以丰富文章内容,使其更具有表现力和多样性。



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