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意思:指的是十大知名的运动鞋品牌,通常指的是在市场上销量和知名度都非常高的运动鞋品牌。 怎么读(音标):[ten dæˈmɑːd brænd ˈspɔːts ʃuːz] 用法:作为一个名词短语,用来描述十大知名的运动鞋品牌。 例句1:Nike, Adidas, and Puma are all included in the list of the ten sports shoe brands.(耐克、阿迪达斯和彪马都被列入十大运动鞋品牌之列。) 例句2:As a professional athlete, it is important to choose a pair of shoes from one of the ten sports shoe brands.(作为一名职业运动员,选择一双来自十大运动鞋品牌之一的鞋子非常重要。) 例句3:The competition between the ten sports shoe brands is fierce, with each brand constantly innovating and improving their products.(十大运动鞋品牌之间的竞争非常激烈,每个品牌都在不断创新和改进他们的产品。) 例句4:Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy shoes from one of the ten sports shoe brands because they believe in the quality and reputation of these brands.(许多人愿意花很多钱购买来自十大运动鞋品牌之一的鞋子,因为他们相信这些品牌的质量和声誉。) 例句5:The ten sports shoe brands not only provide high-quality shoes for athletes, but also have a huge influence on the fashion industry.(十大运动鞋品牌不仅为运动员提供高质量的鞋子,也对时尚产业有着巨大的影响力。) 同义词及用法:排名前十、十大知名、最受欢迎的运动鞋品牌等。 编辑总结:十大名牌运动鞋是指市场上销量和知名度都非常高的运动鞋品牌,它们不仅为运动员提供高质量的鞋子,也对时尚产业有着巨大的影响力。在选择运动鞋时,可以参考这些知名品牌,它们了行业内最先进的技术和设计水平。



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