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Gabriel and Lucifer 音标:Gabriel [ˈɡeɪbriəl] Lucifer [ˈluːsɪfər] 用法:加百列和路西法是圣经中的两个天使,分别为天使长和堕落天使。在、犹太教和教中都有提及。 例句1:In the Bible, Gabriel is known as a messenger of God, while Lucifer is often portrayed as a fallen angel. 在圣经中,加百列被认为是上帝的使者,而路西法则常被描绘为堕落天使。 例句2:According to Islamic belief, Gabriel revealed the Quran to the prophet Muhammad, while Lucifer is seen as a tempter and deceiver. 根据教的信仰,加百列向先知揭示了《古兰经》,而路西法则被视为诱惑者和欺骗者。 例句3:Many artists have depicted Gabriel with wings and a trumpet, while Lucifer is often shown with horns and a pitchfork. 许多艺术家将加百列描绘成拥有翅膀和喇叭,而路西法则常被画成拥有角和三叉戟。 例句4:Some people believe that Gabriel will blow his trumpet on Judgment Day, while others believe that Lucifer will lead an army of demons against God. 一些人相信加百列将在审判日吹响他的喇叭,而其他人则认为路西法将率领一支恶魔对抗上帝。 例句5:In popular culture, Gabriel is often portrayed as a benevolent and peaceful figure, while Lucifer is depicted as a dark and evil character. 在流行文化中,加百列常被描绘成仁慈和和平的形象,而路西法则被描绘成黑暗和邪恶的角色。 同义词及用法:加百列和路西法也有许多其他的称呼,如天使长Michael和堕落天使Satan。它们在不同和文化背景中可能有不同的名字和含义。 编辑总结:加百列和路西法是圣经中两个重要的天使,它们在、犹太教和教中都有重要的地位。它们分别着善良与邪恶、光明与黑暗等对立面,在人类文化中也有着深远的影响。



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