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Entry Procedures [ˈɛntri prəˈsidʒərz] Definition: Entry procedures refer to the process of completing the necessary steps and paperwork required for checking into a hotel, apartment, or other accommodation. Usage: Entry procedures are typically carried out upon arrival at the accommodation and may include providing identification, signing forms, and paying any outstanding fees. Example Sentences: 1. We kindly ask that all guests complete the entry procedures before 2pm. 我们恳请所有客人在下午2点之前完成入住手续。 2. The front desk will assist you with the entry procedures upon your arrival. 前台将在您抵达时协助您办理入住手续。 3. Please have your passport ready when you arrive for the entry procedures. 请在抵达时准备好您的以便办理入住手续。 4. The entry procedures were quick and easy, allowing us to settle into our room right away. 入住手续非常迅速简单,让我们能够立即安顿进房间。 5. Guests who have already completed the entry procedures can proceed directly to their room. 已经完成入住手续的客人可以直接前往房间。 Synonyms and Usage: - Check-in: This term is often used interchangeably with "entry procedures" but specifically refers to the process of arriving at a hotel or other accommodation and registering as a guest. - Registration: This term can also be used interchangeably with "entry procedures" but specifically refers to providing personal information and completing forms upon arrival at an accommodation. - Arrival formalities: This term is commonly used in travel contexts and refers to all necessary procedures that must be completed upon arrival at a destination, including entry procedures. - Accommodation check-in: This term specifically refers to the process of checking into a hotel or other accommodation and completing the necessary procedures. - Guest registration: This term is commonly used in the hospitality industry and refers to the process of registering guests upon their arrival at an accommodation. Editor's Summary: Entry procedures are an essential part of the check-in process for guests staying at a hotel or other accommodation. It involves completing necessary paperwork and providing identification, typically upon arrival. Other terms that can be used interchangeably with "entry procedures" include check-in, registration, and arrival formalities. As an editor, it is important to use these terms accurately and consistently in order to provide clear and helpful definitions for readers.



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