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cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi Definition: 刺客信条下载 (cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi) is the Chinese translation for "Assassin's Creed Download." It refers to the action of downloading the popular video game franchise, Assassin's Creed. Pronunciation: cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi (tsuh-kuh sheen tee-ow shyah dzeye) Usage: 刺客信条下载 can be used as a noun or a verb, depending on the context. As a noun, it refers to the actual download of the game. As a verb, it describes the act of downloading the game. Example Sentences: 1. 我正在进行刺客信条下载,你想加入一起玩吗?(Wǒ zhèngzài jìnxíng cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi, nǐ xiǎng jiārù yīqǐ wán ma?) I am currently downloading Assassin's Creed, do you want to join and play together? 2. 别担心,这个网站是免费的,你可以放心进行刺客信条下载。(Bié dānxīn, zhège wǎngzhàn shì miǎnfèi de, nǐ kěyǐ fàngxīn jìnxíng cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi.) Don't worry, this website is free and you can safely download Assassin's Creed. 3. 他每天都会花几个小时进行刺客信条下载,真是个游戏迷。(Tā měitiān dūhuì huā jǐ gè xiǎoshí jìnxíng cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi, zhēn shì gè yóuxì mí.) He spends a few hours every day downloading Assassin's Creed, he is such a gaming enthusiast. 4. 刺客信条下载需要一定的网络速度和空间。(Cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi xūyào yīdìng de wǎngluò sùdù hé kōngjiān.) Downloading Assassin's Creed requires a certain internet speed and storage space. 5. 我已经完成了刺客信条下载,准备开始冒险之旅!(Wǒ yǐjīng wánchéngle cì kè xìn tiáo xià zǎi, zhǔnbèi kāishǐ màoxiǎn zhī lǚ!) I have finished downloading Assassin's Creed and I am ready to start my adventure! Synonyms: 1. 刺杀者信条下载 (cì shā zhě xìn tiáo xià zǎi) 2. 刺杀兄弟会下载 (cì shā xiōng dì huì xià zǎi) 3. 刺客教条下载 (cì kè jiào tiáo xià zǎi) Usage: These synonyms can be used interchangeably with 刺客信条下载 to refer to the download of the Assassin's Creed game. Editor's Summary: 刺客信条下载 is a commonly used term in Chinese to describe the action of downloading the popular video game franchise, Assassin's Creed. It can be used as a noun or a verb and has several synonyms that can be used interchangeably. Make sure you have a good internet speed and enough storage space before attempting to 刺客信条下载.



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