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Meaning of Company Logo Design Company logo design refers to the process of creating a unique visual symbol, typically consisting of a combination of text and images, to represent a company or brand. It is an essential aspect of branding and marketing, as it helps to create a distinct identity and recognition for the company. Pronunciation: /ˈkʌmpəni ˈləʊgəʊ dɪˈzaɪn/ Usage: Company logo design is used in various forms of media such as business cards, websites, advertisements, and packaging. It is also commonly seen on products and merchandise to promote brand awareness. Example Sentences: 1. The company's new logo design perfectly captures the essence of their brand. 这家公司的新logo设计完美地体现了他们品牌的精髓。 2. Our marketing team has been working on a new logo design that will appeal to our target audience. 我们的市场团队一直在研究一种新的logo设计,以吸引我们的目标受众。 3. The company's logo design has won several awards for its creativity and impact. 这家公司的logo设计因其创意和影响力而赢得了多项大奖。 4. The simple yet elegant logo design has become synonymous with the company's image. 简单而优雅的logo设计已经成为这家公司形象的代名词。 5. The company decided to update their logo design to keep up with the changing market trends. 该公司决定更新其logo设计,以跟上不断变化的市场趋势。 Synonyms and Usage: - Brand mark: A unique symbol or graphic element used to represent a brand. - Emblem: A design or symbol that represents a particular organization or group. - Insignia: A distinguishing mark or symbol of rank, membership, or office. - Trademark: A symbol, word, or phrase that is legally registered and used to represent a company or product. Editor's Summary: Company logo design is an important aspect of branding and marketing. It serves as a visual representation of the company and helps to create brand recognition. The logo should be unique, simple, and easily identifiable. It is often used in various forms of media and can be updated to keep up with changing trends. Synonyms for logo design include brand mark, emblem, insignia, and trademark.



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